The parents of a healthy 13-year-old girl recently moved to your town and bring her to you for a physical examination prior to summer camp. They have no complaints and the girl denies any problems. Her last menses was normal 2 weeks prior. The camp requires a urine screen. To your surprise, the clean-catch urine screen is found to have significant hematuria. Red cell casts are noted on centrifuged urine. You discuss your findings with the parents, and they respond that “everyone on dad’s side of the family has blood in their urine and they are all doing well.” The family history is negative for deafness and for renal failure. Mi-croscopy of renal tissue from this patient or her father will likely reveal:
A. Thinning of the basement membrane.
B. Immune complex deposition in the mesangium.
C. Endothelial cell swelling and fibrin in the subendothelial space.
D. Large numbers of crescentic glomeruli.
E. Renal cell carcinoma.