A mother and father bring their 6-month-old son to the clinic. On examination, he is symmetrically less than the 5th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference. He was born at 30 weeks gestation and weighed 1000 g. He was a planned pregnancy and his mother’s prenatal course was uneventful until she was in¬volved in an automobile accident that initiated the labor. The child was ventilated for 3 days in the neonatal intensive care unit, but otherwise did well without residual respiratory, central ner¬vous or intestinal problems. He was discharged at 8 weeks of life and has no other medical problems. This of the following is the mostly likely explanation for this child’s small size:
A. Chromosomal abnormality
B. Protein-calorie malnutrition
C. Normal preterm infant growth
D. Malabsorption secondary to short gut syndrome
E. Congenital hypothyroidism