- 40W6D female delivered by C-section due failure to progress
- presented with recurrent Episodes of non-bilious vomiting on first day of life. no other symptoms
- NICU admission for evaluation.
- Initial examination was unremarkable except for mild abdominal distension
- abdominal x ray showed dilated air loops
- Contrast enema normal
- Decision was made to continue observation
The assigned nurse called the doctor as she noticed Episodes of respiratory pauses (<20sec) associated with Perioral cyanosis
Initial VS: T 36.8 HR 142 BP 85/52 RR 36 oxygen saturation 88% Wt 3.8kg
General: Sleepy but arousable with stimulation.
Mild scleral icterus.
Lax Neck. No nasal congestion. CV: regular heart rate. No murmurs. femoral pulses well felt. Pulmonary: Intermittent pauses of 10sec each. One with 5 secs of perioral cyanosis with saturation 70%. Lungs no abnormal sounds. Abd: Mild distension, nontender. Decreased bowel sounds. No HSM. Neuro: Decreased tone all extremities. Moves extremities spontaneously. Skin: Mild jaundice Hypoglycemia: glucose 40
What is the immediate next step?
Patient was put on 2L oxygen with improved saturation
What is the next step?
patient Received D10 bolus of 2 ml/kg became More awake, then episode of emesis followed by apnea and cyanosis
- Patient intubated for airway protection and apnea
- Sepsis
- Metabolic disorder
- Pyloric stenosis
- Intestinal obstruction
- Liver disease
- Congenital heart disease
WBC 14 S 29%, Band 8%, Lymph 45%, Mono 15%, Eos 0.8% Hgb 17 Plt 438 Ca 10.6 iCa 1.28 Mg 2.6 Phos 5.6 AST 59 ALT 29 Alk phos 244 GGT 222 Conj bili 0 Unconj bili 12.6 Albumin 4.3 Ammonia 28 Na 142 K 5.6 Cl 106 CO2 23 BUN 3 Cr 0.65 Glucose 56
Urinalysis: Negative for protein, ketones, blood, nitrite, leuk SG 1.020, pH 6.0
CSF: WBC 9, RBC 2450, glucose 79, protein 194
Rapid RSV: negative Winter respiratory viral panel: negative HSV CSF and blood PCR: Negative Enterovirus CSF and blood PCR: Negative
- Pyloric US: Negative for pyloric stenosis
- CXR/AXR: No opacities. Nonobstructive bowel gas pattern.
TSH 289 T4 13.0 Free T4 0.3 T3 uptake 25 Thyroid US: Small lobes of thyroid gland with mildly heterogeneous echotexture and focal cysts within either lobe.
ACTH stimulation test: normal
- Started on replacement therapy
- Extubated on day 3 with no further apneic episodes
- Most recent visit TSH 4.3